Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesdays with David: Watermelon Day

The book: Watermelon Day
Author: Kathi Appelt
Illustrator: Dale Gottlieb
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. 1996
Suggested Age: 4-8 years old
Source: Library! 

I wasn't really sure David was going to like this book. I had to do a little convincing to get him to sit and listen the first time. But now? He checks to make sure I haven't taken it back to the library when he wasn't paying attention. This is a lovely story of a little girl named Jesse who spots a large watermelon growing in their patch.  Her pappy tells her that when it gets bigger, they will have a "watermelon day," where her cousins will come over and they will have a family party. This book is about the summer of waiting for the perfect day for the perfect watermelon. It would be a great story if you are planting some flowers or veggies with your little one. They can wait along with Jesse for the big day when their hard work pays off. 

Thoughts from David: "“I like when the watermelon grows because it’s fun to have watermelon. I like watermelon – I ate some today. “
“I love when all of this happens (pointing to the party with the family) and when she has a watermelon face, and when the doggy tries to get it, that’s fun too."

Happy Reading from David!

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